Nothing like three days being sick and a weekend out-of-town without (unexpectedly) Internet access to put one way behind...
I have had no luck at all, despite several reinstalls of the VM server, at reaching the VIM tutor. However, I managed all the Nano edits with no problems (other than typos). Following the last re-install, the sudo aptitude install vim-runtime appeared to execute successfully, but not the sudo aptitude install vim-full. I am anxious to know if the other student, having the exact problem as I, has had any further success.
The question was posed, "why don't you need the sudo command [to reconfigure the .bashrc file]?" The .bashrc file is located in my home directory, so I have permission to edit the file. No one else can edit the file without employing the sudo command, however -- unless the permissions are changed (I think).
It has been so long since I have edited files with MS-DOS, I really do not have any memory of exactly how it compares to Nano. I do recall writing and editing .bat or batch files, for results much like the alias command used in Assignment 2 of Unit 3 -- i.e., using one command to reach another.
Using batch files, I was able to create a text menu in DOS that presented upon boot-up, and the batch files corresponded to numbers on the menu. Selecting a number ran the batch file, which generally executed the steps necessary to begin a process or program. Somewhere, I actually still have that stuff on a floppy!
As noted in the lecture, I've used Notepad extensively within Windows to edit (or peruse) source files for internet documents, either my own or those of others.
I feel a bit like a wallflower. Invited to the party, but Vim Tutor won't dance with me.
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